Mobile Friendly – ​​In research conducted by the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII), the development of the use of mobile devices and internet access increased by 2.67% in the . This is equivalent to  million users out of a total population of million people. Internet use, which is also dominated by smartphone users , shows that mobile friendly websites are highly prioritized. Apart from easy access, smartphones can also be used anytime and anywhere. In this discussion, we will find out why websites must be easy to use on mobile devices or smartphones and how to create responsive websites. Marketplace works like a market in cyberspace that brings together sellers and buyers. Thus, after discussing the meaning separately, it can be concluded that an e-commerce website is a trading medium via the World Wide Web. Its nature is more indie than e-commerce .

Get to know what mobile friendly websites

With the increasingly sophisticated development of mobile devices, websites can no longer only be accessed via a computer or laptop. That way, website creation must be adjusted to be B2C Email List compatible with any mobile device. Before implementing this system, you should know its meaning first. In the definition explained by Google, mobile friendly is a measurement of how easy it is for website users to use their mobile devices. Websites that are adapted to this standard will be set up to be able to adapt the size, shape and responsive content to mobile devices, including tablets, iPads, smartphones and other types. mobile friendly When a website is optimized for mobile devices, it will be able to reach a larger audience. What’s more, this will be able to increase the credibility of you or your business.

Advantages of a Mobile friendly Website

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The advantages of a website that is friendly to mobile devices are numerous. Here are some of the benefits that we have summarized: Improved User Experience. A website that is compatible with BMB Directory various devices with varying screen sizes will certainly make users feel more comfortable and find it easier to find information. That’s why websites that can be used on mobile devices are preferred, because they are relatively simple to use. That way you can increase visitor retention rates, increase traffic and even conversion rates . You can also read the article about “3 Ways to Check Traffic for Your Business Website”. Improved SEO Google has an algorithm that prioritizes mobile friendly ones. This is because the potential of the website to increase conversions and overall sales is much higher.

By gaqfo

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