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When the frame becomes an opening

The framework, a fashionable term in institutions, is frequently us in the standardiz care of children frame becomes  . Care protocols or ucational regulations accumulate in the organization of institutions. It is then a question of framing children in the sense of the Latin quadrare which means “to suit, to be in conformity with” (1) . The child finds himself subject to the demand of an Other who holds the knowlge and sets the framework.

In the book A ciel ouvert

Dominique Holvoet suggests preferring ritual to regulation: “In the ritual, there is an additional dimension. […] What goes through the ritual is not the shaping of a frame, it is really the transmission of the desire of the speaker to phone number list  do it in this way” (2) . To account for this dimension, we must refer the frame to the particular coloring that it takes on in Italian from the quadro: “The Italian noun is us “two to one” stay: be the only french speaker, but surround by friends!  especially as the name of the square in geometry (early 14th century), then to designate a square opening, a small window (1540), a painting, a painting (1584)” (3) . The frame therefore here draws a border delimiting an opening.


Just as a painter does it is a question

of opening a window in front of which the subject stands, “a window plus a seeing subject” (4) . The child is no longer locat in the frame but in front of it. This precision is essential because it notes a topological change: it is no longer the egoic instance that is target but the appearance of a subjective position in existence. In this book your list  logic, the desire bas on the lack of being is the driving force, knowlge is locat on the side of the child and the intervener becomes its partner in front of the opening thus creat. As Lacan writes, “the un-known is order as a framework for knowlge” (5) . This is how the irresorbable the logic of not all, “feminine logic”, operates and “allows the search for singular solutions from the inventions of each subject” .

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