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What is a personal brand?

Knowing that you have the opportunity to serve others, to motivate or inspire them to take action, is one of the most gratifying feelings you can experience as a human being.

That’s why, whenever I’m ask what a personal brand is, I like to answer that it’s a great opportunity to change lives, while you yourself grow and evolve as a human being.

What is a personal brand?

Although I also like to remind others that this term was coin by Tom Peters, a renown American writer specializing in business management practices.

It all goes back to 1997, when Peters wrote an article for Fast Compan a tunisia consumer mobile number list  personal brand y magazine entitl “ The Brand Call You.”

In that post, he explain that each individual was a “Me. INC”; that is, a company.


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Under this premise, he argu that all people can self-manage their brand as if it were a company.

Personal Branding , as this concept is known in the Anglo-Saxon ecosystem, was born as an element of differentiation and independence for professionals.

So, if you’re wondering what a personal brand is, the most technical answer I can what is a tripwire and how can it increase your sales?  give you is that it’s about managing a personal profile as if it were a brand.

Elements of a personal brand
Personal brands share elements with commercial brands, such as:

1. Defin communication tone
Brands have communication tones, did you know? That means  be numbers that not all of them communicate in the same way, or with the same objective.

Some personal brands, like Tony Robbins’, have a friendly and informative tone.

In turn, the character of that specific brand is emotional, direct and personal.

In any case, the tone and character of your personal brand must be a reflection of your essence and personality. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to sustain them over time.

You may already know this, but I’d like to remind you anyway: A brand’s authenticity cannot be negotiat, and if you’re not clear about it from the start, you could pay a very high price.


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