Home » Top ten: landing pages well positioned thanks to SEO

Top ten: landing pages well positioned thanks to SEO


There are more and more examples of well-positioned landing pages. Because brands have already understood the potential of optimizing landing pages for search engines. Until recently, everyone heard about SEO (search engine optimization) but generally in relation to websites.

The reason why people optimize their website is to increase their organic traffic, i.e. the unpaid traffic. This is one of the cheapest ways to attract your target audience .

The same approach can be applied to your landing pages . When someone uses a search engine like Google to ask a specific question, you need to be there with the answer. If your landing page answers their question, they will reward you by becoming a subscriber or customer.

What are SEO-optimized landing pages?

10 well-positioned landing pages

1.- Cent
2.- Driver
3.- WebProfits
4.- Coobis
5.- WebDAM
6.- Wistia
7.- LS Productions
9.- University of California, Davis
10.- Cribspot
What are SEO-optimized landing pages?
landing page

SEO landing pages are those that are optimized for singapore telegram phone number list search Top ten engines. And with features that make them particularly attractive to the algorithms that decide whether a page is valuable to search engines.

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Because most digital

A marketing campaigns are relatively short, people assume that b2c marketing automation: everything you need to know landing pages don’t need to be optimized . And they’re partially right. Most promotions are finite: they have a short lifespan and, inevitably, almost always have a defined end.

However, there is a big problem with this assumption. Many people end their campaigns prematurely, mistakenly believing that they are short-term when they are actually long-term.

If you’re running a one-time promotion for a few days or phone number de weeks, the amount of traffic you’ll generate by optimizing your page for search is minimal. But, if you run a promotion for a few days or weeks each year, you may be losing out on some search traffic .

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