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Top 10 sites to download free icons for landing pages


In our everyday life, icons are everywhere. You can find them on any interface, road sign, keyboard, you name it. Icons help you understand and interpret information better . Not only offline, but online as well. These are resources that can help you improve your content. Therefore, knowing where to download free icons to use on your landing pages becomes an advantage.

Icons play a vital role in website design. Although they can be quite small and may seem redundant, they perform many different roles.

In fact, they can be a great way to bring essential content to the point. They grab attention and help your website visitors find and scan content. So why not use them?

Why include icons in your content?
1.- Icons support your content
2.- They can convey ideas in a few words

3.- They attract attention

4.- Icons can increase readability
5.- They will make you unique
How to use icons effectively?
A.- Add visual Top 10 sites interest
B.- Create interaction
C.- Use animations
D.- Create group of icons
The best sites oman telegram phone number list to download free icons
1.- Flaticon
2.- Freepik
3.- Vexels
4.- Icon Finder
5.- Vector.me
6.- Dry Icons
7.- Brands of the world
8.- 1001 Free Downloads
9.- Vector Portal
10.- Vecteezy
10+1.- PikWizard
Why include icons in your content?

Before looking at the best sites to download free icons, it is interesting to understand why you should include them on your landing pages. And how to do it in the most effective way. Only then will you get the most out of these resources.

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1.- Icons support your content

Typically, there’s no problem telling the difference between an attractive landing page and one that isn’t. However, it can be difficult to tell why one is better than the other. Sometimes, the difference is in the details .

When you look at the content of a website, it’s all about b2b email marketing vs b2c email marketing: what’s the difference? readability. How well can people understand the main points and how easily can they read and process the information? Icons can help in a number of ways to support your landing page presentation.

2.- They can convey ideas in a few words
With icons you can quickly summarize what your text is about. Sometimes icons can be enough to communicate content, making reading additional text unnecessary. A great approach to relevant icons is metaphors. One of the most important by lists things about these visuals is that you choose metaphors that people can relate to them, such as a cart or an old letter.

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