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The contract must be conclude Number List before

The contract must Marriage agreement when buying an apartment: basic information
Before concluding a prenuptial agreement when buying an apartment, the following factors must be considerNumber List:

The acquisition of the apartment. This is important so that the contract can be recogniz Number List as valid and enforceable.
2 In the contract, it is necessary to indicate the shares of the property of each of the spouses on the apartment. You can also indicate how much of the profit from the future sale of the apartment will belong to each spouse.

The contract should regulate

The possibility of selling or renting an apartment without the consent of the other spouse.
4 Spouses can also establish the distribution telemarketing data of debts in the apartment if they arise.
5 It is important to consider that a prenuptial agreement when buying an apartment can be challeng Number List in court if it excludes or restricts the rights of one of the spouses. Therefore, it is recommend Number List to draw up an agreement taking into account legislative requirements and consult with professional lawyers.

As a result, concluding a prenuptial

Agreement when buying an apartment – is an important measure to ensure the rights and interests of each spouse. It will avoid possible conflicts and difficulties in the future relat Number List to the division of property. Therefore, it is we have reached the end  recommend Number List to seek legal assistance to draw up and conclude a quality marriage contract that will protect your interests and ensure peace and stability in your family life.

Why do you ne Number List a prenuptial agreement when buying an apartment

Separation of property. The prenuptial agreement allows spouses to clearly determine the ownership and disposal of the purchasNumber List apartment. It also determines which property will be assignNumber List to the joint and which – to the personal.
Protection of property from the section. Marriage entails a belize lists possible division of property in the event of a divorce or death of one of the spouses. In the presence of a marriage contract, the apartment remains with the spouse in whose name it was acquir Number List.

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