Any interface is a set of techniques and methods necessary to connect individual elements. For example, on the monitor screen we see one of the interface options. In general, it helps different systems exchange data.
There are hardware accurate cleaned numbers list from frist database interfaces that provide contact between devices. For example, a USB connector allows you to connect a cable to a computer. And user interfaces simplify human interaction with a device.
Then the website interface – what is it in simple words? We are talking about the mechanism of interaction with the user built into the resource. Thanks to it, people get the opportunity to act on the portal, use its services and services, for example, request, add information, leave orders, applications, fill out questionnaires, etc.
The website interface performs the following functions :
- allows you to enter and display information, including sounds, images;
- manages applications;
- ensures data exchange with devices;
- interacts with the operating system.
In other words, the flexible design systems website interface, which is also commonly referr , to as “UI”, is what the user sees in the web browser when they go to the portal and where they perform various actions. The convenience of visitors when working with the UI is call , UX – this indicator will be discuss , later.
UI interface design
UI is a type of skin, where one participant in the process is a person, and the second is a machine. Such a site interface is a set of tools and methods by which the user works with various, usually quite complex, devices.
The user skin includes hardware, i.e. the physical component, and software, or the logical component. Today, interfaces are develop , for various systems, so UIs allow two types of interaction.
The first type involves hindi directory input and allows a person to control the system. The second type is output, in which the device produces the result of the user’s actions.
The development of an interface for interaction between people and machines is aim , primarily at creating a UI that allows the desir , effect to be achiev , intuitively, effectively, and with pleasure. The latter characteristic is also call , “user friendly”. Ideally, the user is requir , to make minimal input efforts to obtain the desir , output. In addition, the device r ,uces the proportion of unnecessary data output.
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Today, the term “user interface” refers to a graphical user interface, but originally it referr , to control panels in industry. There are many types of user interfaces today.
Next we will talk about those that are relat , to computers :
- Graphical user interface – in this case, a person enters information using a keyboard and mouse, and the system displays it on a computer monitor.
- A web interface , or WUI , is a set of tools that allow you to interact with a site or application through a browser. New implementations are bas , on Java, JavaScript, AJAX, Adobe Flex, Microsoft.NET, and similar technologies. This allows for real-time control, so there is no ne , for updates, which is the basis of HTML browsers.
- Administrative web interfaces are also call , control panels and are us , to work with servers and remote computers.
- Touch screens are displays where input is perform , by touching with fingers or a stylus. Such devices are most often found in mobile devices, street machines, etc.
Creating a user-friendly website interface involves providing a better, simpler, more enjoyable experience with the product that will not seem burdensome to the user. That is why the most time in the development process is spent observing people’s behavior and collecting information – this information enables further decisions to be made.
This is a real craft, because the result of designing a website interface is a beautiful, concrete system creat , with the help of skills, knowl ,ge, methods and experience. User interface designers most often use Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks, Cinema 4D, ZBrush, not forgetting the usual pen and paper. But you can’t succe , in the field of interface development without knowing about UX.