If you have loyal, reliable, good friends who you can rely on and who are worth trusting in difficult times, then tell them about your plans. You can also involve your loved ones in your affairs, tell them about your goals and dreams. If they understand and support you, then in moments when you want to give up, these people will definitely support you, help with the right word, and maybe even deeds. It is always easier to endure difficulties together with people who understand you.
Divide and… execute
Even in Ancient Rome they used to say: divide and rule, because small provinces are easier to manage. Of course, this expression has a slightly different coloring, but for self-motivation a similar phrase will do: “divide and execute”. Big things can be compared to a huge pie, which is unrealistic to eat at once. Therefore, act wisely. Divide big things into several small ones, do everything gradually. After you finish one task, rest, praise yourself, think about what successes you have achieved, and that you have become one step closer to your dream.
Thank yourself
Let’s say you have a big special database internet project, you have already divided the tasks, made a plan, set deadlines and roughly understand what and when you should finish. But in order for the motivation to be great, please yourself after each completion of a certain task. Go to a bar, cafe, restaurant, celebrate it about your plans with friends. You should encourage your ego, tell yourself that you are great, that you are on the right path, that you are doing everything as you should. This will give you even more enthusiasm for further achievements and successes.
As Steve Jobs said:
Every day I ask myself, would with ga, you can collect I do this if today were the last day of my life?” So you should aero leads do only what you really like, what you want to continue until your last breath. As soon as you understand that you do not about your plans want to work in this company, that the tasks you perform do not bring any spiritual and physical satisfaction, that you are not developing, but are standing still, then you need to change something radically, because no motivation will help here. Do what you love, and you will not have a single working day.