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Steps to take to adapt email marketing to mobile


Do you want to adapt your email marketing to mobile devices and don’t know where to start? This guide will give you an idea of ​​how to create mobile-friendly emails so that users can receive them on their mobile device and not miss any news about your brand.

A few years ago, email marketing was based on just one type of design: desktop. But the emergence of different devices in the last decade has forced companies to adapt the design of their emails so that their customers can view them on their tablets or smartphones.

In fact, email marketing remains at the top of the list of most effective Steps to communication techniques for companies. Due to its great capacity for personalization and segmentation and its high ROI, email marketing is one of the main channels of communication between brands and their customers.


The “mobile first” philosophy

Adapting your message to the mobile environment brings you closer to success
Mobile-friendly designs
A.- Responsive Email
B.- Scalable email
C.- Fluid email
Adapting email marketing south africa telegram data to mobile step by step
1.- Adapt your emails to each email client multi-screen emails
2.- Simple and comfortable design
3.- Facilitates the conversion process
4.- A well-crafted subject is an open email
5.- Include buttons to your social networks
The “ mobile first ” philosophy

south africa telegram data

We cannot turn a deaf ear to an increasingly latent reality

The data shows that the way in which users access the Internet has changed radically. Mobile phones are part of everyone’s life. So any brand that wants to reach its potential customers must take mobile design into account in its digital 8 effective thank you pages to take note of for your business marketing strategy. And this, of course, includes email marketing.

According to the latest annual study on mobile & connected devices published by IAB Spain, the use of mobile phones as a second screen continues to increase. In fact, 62% of users say they use their mobile phone to check their email.

Furthermore, it should be noted that 52% of all online traffic is generated through mobile devices. People are constantly connected and therefore companies must adapt to this new reality. The Mobile First philosophy encourages thinking phone number de first about how to create websites and content directly adapted to these devices.

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