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Pros and cons of using artificial intelligence in email marketing


Artificial intelligence in email marketing is perfect for offering immediacy and precision, for example. Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming society in general. Much information is focusing on the panic that has been unleashed thinking that AI will replace many people’s jobs. But, in reality, its application goes much further. So much so that it is applied as part of many digital marketing strategies.

Rather than replacing human work and interactions, AI is most Pros and cons commonly used to enhance, sharpen, and speed up tasks . And this can be applied in endless ways when it comes to everyday tasks like email marketing campaigns.

In retrospect, marketing

A and especially content marketing , has always been an ideal area for applying AI. The goal of email marketing campaigns is to spread a persuasive message to a number of subscribers . Something that both AI and content marketing can help with.

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4 advantages of using artificial intelligence in email marketing
1.- Possibility of customization
2.- Getting through the spam filter
3.- You will save costs
4.- Facilitates campaign optimization

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The disadvantages of applying artificial intelligence in email marketing

1.- Algorithms are not 100% reliable
2.- Lack of the human touch
3.- They are sometimes too fast
4.- Customers still like to feel that how to apply psychology in email marketing campaigns they have a personal connection with the brand
The human touch vs. the efficiency of artificial intelligence
Is there artificial intelligence in email marketing?
artificial intelligence

As people become more demanding when it comes to interacting bw lists with companies, it is only natural that AI supports join the goal of offering the best experience to users . In addition, it should be noted that email marketing campaigns tend to be more personalized. Therefore, it should not be surprising that AI servers have intervened in this sector.

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