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Non-existent contacts in our database. How can we clean them up?


It’s a fact that there are always non-existent contacts in our database. So, if you’ve never cleaned up your email list, you’re probably sending emails to people who will never open them .

That means your call to action isn’t being clicked and you’re wasting your time, effort and money on people who aren’t interested in your email/business, or who have simply moved on.

In fact, your email lists will decline by about 22 percent per year, as you can see in the chart above. With some strategies like inbound marketing, you can counteract the drop in contacts. But either way, you need to do something to make sure you’re sending emails to the people who actually want to receive them.

That is why companies need to improve email hygiene and clean up from time to time to eliminate those non-existent contacts from our database.



What does email deletion mean?
Email Cleaning Warning Signs
Benefits of email cleaning
1.- Fewer spam complaints
2.- Better opening sweden telegram data and click-through rates
3.- Reduce the cost of email marketing
4.- Less bounces
What to do before cleaning your email list
1.- Hard bounces or Hard Bounce
2.- Soft bounces or Soft Bounce

sweden telegram data

Which email lists should be deleted?

How to purge non-existent contacts in our database?
What does email deletion mean?
Cleaning up non-existent contacts in your database means amp landing pages: advantages of implementing them removing people who are never going to see, interact with, or open your emails. While cleaning up will reduce the size of your list, it will also improve its overall success. A classic “less is more” scenario .

By removing unengaged and non-existent subscribers, you are marketing only to those who interact with your campaigns.

Keeping your lists hygienic by cleaning them should be an integral virgin islands mobile data part of your email marketing . Thus, it is important that you clean your lists at least a few times a year.

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