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If the job description is attached to the employment contract

Sometimes it becomes necessary to update a job description due to changes in an employee’s duties, work schedule, or other important working conditions. However, it is important to consider some points.

Changes are made through an additional agreement to the employment contract. First, the employer and employee discuss the changes. Then they sign an additional agreement that officially records these changes.

If the job description is a separate document

In this case, an order from the company’s director is whatsapp number list required to make changes. The management formulates the changes and issues an order, which comes into force after signing.

When changes affect key aspects of work

Any changes that affect the job function, work schedule or other basic conditions may be considered as a transfer to another job.

The employer must notify the employee in advance of the definition, principle of action, purpose upcoming changes and obtain his written consent.

Duties and rights of a sales manager

The sales manager is a key link in the structure of any enterprise. He plays an important role in the sale of products and services. He reports directly to the division director and is responsible for the implementation of established plans and standards.

The main task of the manager is to actively participate in all business processes, from marketing to direct sales.

Most often, the following responsibilities are indicated in a sales manager vacancy:

1. Interaction with clients. The manager actively mobile lead seeks new clients and maintains contact with current ones through meetings, phone calls, correspondence and other means of communication.

2. Strategic planning. Participates in the preparation of business plans and strategies, is responsible for the implementation of the company’s production and economic plan.

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