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Humor in email marketing campaigns: best practices


People like to think that decisions are made based on data, statistics and analysis of possible alternatives. But in reality, our emotions have a great influence. And in most cases, they determine our decisions. That’s why it’s interesting to delve deeper into how mood affects email marketing campaigns.

In fact, as Nielsen data shows , 50% of European and American consumers prefer humor in marketing campaigns . Especially compared to purely commercial and linear campaigns. And although your message may not be funny to everyone, it will give you a more positive image.

Humor in email marketing campaigns, on the other hand, can also give consumers an additional reason to open emails.

Subscribers may not be interested in your offers. But if they know you’re going to entertain them, they’ll open and read them. And they’ll be more likely to complete the conversion.


Reasons to use humor in email marketing campaigns

A.- Humor triggers an emotional response
B.- Humor helps brands to be more memorable
Examples of how to include russia telegram data humor in email marketing campaigns
1.- Casper
2.- Chicmarket
3.- BarkBox
4.- Modcloth
5.- Essay Supply
6.- Poo-Pourri
7.- Beardbrand
8.- Mack Weldon

russia telegram data

Reasons to use humor in email marketing campaigns

Humor in graphic email marketing campaigns

Users like friendly brands. And this is especially evident on data driven design: how to create data-driven landing pages social media. They like brands that engage with them in a meaningful way. And therefore, using humour could be a good technique to improve the brand’s reputation. But above all to influence their purchasing decisions.

If you are still not sure why you should include humor in your cz lists email marketing campaigns, it is important that you understand what benefits you will get from doing so. Above all, it is important that you stop at this point before getting to the “how” of developing a campaign of this type.

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