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Finding Joy

a Cause freudienne Midi-Pyrénées is organizing a conference on “Malaise in Institutions Finding Joy .” (1) Evoking the Freudian title, the “malaise” in question here is that intrinsic to all “human formation” which, according to the Lacanian formula, “has as its essence, and not by accident, to restrain enjoyment” (2) . Without, however, giving in to the complaint or the observation of failure that lists the innumerable occurrences of the malaise that runs through institutions to denounce the mistreatment that such social or health policies inflict on it, or the internal conflicts in which teams of professionals often get lost.

Lacan introduces the idea that

is a principle of regulation of enjoyment, and indicates that it is precisely in loss that enjoyment is experienc, graspable by the subject. When it is “present,” “active,” enjoyment agitates the body, beyond meaning. The brake  mobile database which, according to Lacan, then constitutes the essence of the institution, the one which allows to create a barrier to this invasive and unbearable enjoyment, is nothing less than pleasure. As Pierre Naveau point out during the ECF days on Appli Psychoanalysis: the boston: stay with an american family, cheesecake includ!  institution is then envisag by Lacan, not from a plus, but rather from subtraction. (3)


It is as civiliz analysands that certain psychoanalysts intervene in institutions, in a practice with several, without setting up an analyst’s office there. (4) A particular listening then allows to follow the rhythm of the subject’s stumblings, his hesitations, his firm convictions, his doubts, his joys and his frustrations, in order to determine the intervention which will allow the regulation of the agitation produc by enjoyment. Here,

our friends of the RI3 are for each

The intervention aims at an act, as a response to agitation, while knowing not to know, while preserving a place for the  book your list  question of grasping how a disorder is inscrib in subjectivity, with what logic, how does it constitute a response of the subject to the reality that he has encounter in his existence.
it is not recommend to unleash all the power of shaking and unveiling that analysis can have on identifications, ideals, values, beliefs, roots of enjoyment…”, declar Jacques-Alain Miller to L’Express in 2002.

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