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Cecilia Armenta Head Of Marketing

contact name: Cecilia Armenta contact job function details: marketing contact job function: marketing contact job title: Head Of Marketing contact […]


Josep Torra Software Engineer

contact name: Josep Torra contact job function details: software engineer contact job function: engineering contact job title: Software Engineer contact


Antonio Casado Gomez BI Developer

contact name: Antonio Casado Gomez contact job function details: bi developer contact job function: engineering contact job title: BI Developer


Elena Castillo Support Director

contact name: Elena Castillo contact job function details: support contact job function: support contact job title: Support Director contact job


Marc Rabassa

contact name: Marc Rabassa contact job function details: contact job function: contact job title: contact job seniority: contact person city:


Michael Petretti Software Engineer

contact name: Michael Petretti contact job function details: software engineer contact job function: engineering contact job title: Software Engineer contact


Sara [Not Provided]

contact name: Sara [Not Provided] contact job function details: contact job function: contact job title: contact job seniority: contact person


Ivan Carcelero Operations Manager

contact name: Ivan Carcelero contact job function details: operations contact job function: operations contact job title: Operations Manager contact job


Elena Mart?ín-Dorado UX/UI Lead

contact name: Elena Mart?ín-Dorado contact job function details: ux ui contact job function: contact job title: UX/UI Lead contact job


Antoni Ventura CEO & Founder

contact name: Antoni Ventura contact job function details: founder ceo contact job function: entrepreneurship contact job title: CEO & Founder


David Fraga Founder and CEO

contact name: David Fraga contact job function details: founder ceo contact job function: entrepreneurship contact job title: Founder and CEO

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