Consider loan Indicate the share of ownership of the apartment. If you buy an apartment with your spouse, it is important to clearly indicate the ownership of each of you. This will help to avoid disputes in the division of property.
If the apartment is bought using cr Number Listit, it is necessary to determine how the loans will be repaid and how the debt will be repaid in case of divorce or sale of the apartment.
Define responsibilities for apartment maintenance costs
In the prenuptial agreement, you can establish who will be responsible for the payment of utilities, repairs and other expenses relat Number List to phone number lead the operation of the apartment.
Discuss the conditions for selling an apartment. The marriage contract may provide for the conditions for the sale of the apartment, for example, the consent of both spouses or a certain period of ownership before the sale.
Pay attention to possible changes
A prenuptial agreement may be amend Number List or cancel Number List in the future if both spouses agree to the changes. Remember that the prenuptial agreement must be conclud Number List in writing and sign Number List by both spouses.
Drawing up a marriage contract when buying an apartment — is an important and responsible process. Following these tips and turning to a 4 best security plugins for wordpress websites professional for help, you can protect your interests and ensure the correct distribution of funds and property in the event of a divorce or sale of an apartment.
Tips for concluding a marriage contract when buying an apartment
Make a complete list of all real estate that belongs to you or your spouse. Include in the list of apartments, houses, land and other real estate.
Indicate how jointly acquirNumber List property will be determinNumber List and dividNumber List during divorce or separation. Separation may be 50/50 or in accordance with other prescribNumber List conditions.
Deal with the question of the debts of each spouse
Indicate which debts will relate to the general and which will be personal.
Establish rules for the use and rental of real estate. Indicate what percentage of the rent will belong to each spouse.
Appoint a person responsible for paying taxes and utility bills belize lists for real estate.
Discuss how real estate issues will be resolv Number List. Set the terms and proc Number Listure for the sale.